Tick facts�
Ticks have four life stages : eggs, larva, nymph and adult. Ticks feed on the blood of their host, humans, birds, wild and domestic animals. Ticks may appear as a small dark speck on your pets fur. Tick infestations are more common in dogs than cats. Ticks are generally not born with diseases they acquire them during feeding and pass them on. There are about 850 tick species ( some capable of transmitting diseases such as Lyme disease and Ehrlichia. Pets may contract multiple diseases from one bite. Never remove a tick with your bare hand. Handsome Hounds offers flea treatments and advice
Flea facts�
Fleas have four life stages : eggs, larva, pupa, biting adult. Fleas feed on the blood of their host, humans, birds, wild and domestic animals. The female flea can lay 2,000 eggs in her lifetime. Fleas can live more than 100 days without food. Fleas can jump up to 8 inches high. Pets with fleas may develop anaemia, tapeworm and pruitus. Some pets may develop an allergy to flea saliva, causing severe irritation, itchiness and loss of hair. Handsome Hounds offers flea treatments and advice
Ear Cleaning
The importance of ear cleaning
All dogs should have their ears cleaned from time to time, but some dogs need more frequent and thorough cleaning than others.
Ear wax and dirt can easily build up causing the ear canal to be infected.
Ear infections cause itching and pain and can lead to middle/inner infections.
Signs of an ear infection:
bad odours from the ear frequent head shaking Sore, swollen, red skin inside of ears Excessive scratching Excessive discharge Eye Bathing
There is no set schedule of how often eye bathing should be preformed.
Tear staining - occurs when a build up of water discolours the fur beneath the eye to a brown or red tint. It is important to keep the eyes free from any hair that may aggravate your dogs eyes causing dampness in the fur as this can be a breeding ground for bacteria if left for too long.
Tear staining will require ongoing treatment - however if your dog has gunky or mucky eyes a simple eye bathing will be effective and will stop the gunk going hard against the skin causing soreness.
Anal Glands
Under normal circumstances they should be able to function on there own however if your dogs anal glands fail to express they can become blocked and make your dog feel very uncomfortable.
Signs of infected glands -
Your dog will drag its rear across the floor Licking or chewing his rear You will notice a foul or fishy odour coming from your dogs rear